Cascata Valle del Vo
Cascate Valle del Vo is an unofficial named waterfall, upstream from the better known Casate del Vo. Cascate Valle de Vo is located in Valle de Vo, north of Schilpario in the region Lombardia, Italy.
From Schilpario drive west over road SP61 and outside Schilpario take the right turn to Chalet del Vo, a very nice restaurant with even nicer people. Although they didn’t spoke English they made some phone calls so I could sleep somewhere. And the food was good and cheap!
It was quite a drive to visit Cascata del Vo and to reach Schilpario. Never take the road to Schilpario from the east, what a disaster, a road with a bad surface, lots of turns and 80% only one car wide. Really you do not have time to enjoy nature because you are constantly paying attention.
From the west (via Darfo) the road is even more beautiful and much better. On the way to Schilpario you see, just before the village, a sign Chalet del Vo.
From the parking (gps 46.021597, 10.146425) there are signs to Cascate del Vo, a popular destination for a picnic with a gorgeous waterfall. In 15-20 minutes you will reach Cascate del Vo over a beautiful trail through the woods (easy to do).
I knew there was a bigger waterfall nearby but the language was a problem. So I couldn’t figure out where it was. It seems that Cascatae Valle de Vo is located more upstream following the river Vo and walking in the direction of refugee Tagliaferri. After 30 minutes, from the lower Cascate del Vo, you will reach Cascate Valle de Vo.
Cascate Valle de Vo is fed with melted snow and ice from the mountains around Monte Gleno and Trobio. There is even a small glacier at Monte Trobio: Ghiacciaio del Trobio (2.800 m).