Kartuzianov vodopad
(Kartuziánov vodopád, Machový vodopád)
Kartuziánov vodopád or Machový vodopád is a small waterfall in the national park Slovenský raj and is located southwest of Letanovce.
From Letanovce drive south over a small road to Slovenský raj and park the car near Kláštorisko, the ruins of a 14th century monastery. From here a trail starts heading north into the gorge Kláštoriska roklina. Within 20-25 you can walk to the waterfall Kartuziánov vodopád/Machový vodopád. Further into the gorge you will find another small waterfall Strakov vodopád.
There are many other waterfalls in the area. Nearest are the three waterfalls in the gorge Kyseľ.
National park Slovenský raj is rich with many waterfalls and is a great area to visit: wonderful, challenging and off cause with many waterfalls and canyons.