Veliki Sumik slap
(Slap Veliki Šumik, Slap Šumik)
Veliki Šumik, also called or Slap Šumik, is a nice but small waterfall in the northeast of Slovenia near Slivniško Pohorje along road 929.
Veliki Šumik (Grand Šumik) is a waterfall flowing over magmatic rocks, unique and a must to see. The river Lobnica drops down over 24 meters and is surrounded by trees. The source of the river Lobnica can be found at Lake Tiho jezero at an alititude of 1290 meters. Lobnica is known as “the loud stream”.
Further downstream is the 9 meter high Mali Šumik (Small Šumik).
From road 929 the falls must be on a short distance, but I don’t know if there is a trail or place to park. A more usuals route (and safer) is from the road between Ruse to Smolnik. 2 km after leaving Ruše on the left a sign refers to the falls (this is easy to overlook). Through the primeval forest of Pohorje leads a marked path to the Lobnica. It’s a good hour walk to Mali Šumik and then another half hour to Veliki Šumik.