About waterfalls in Europe and this website

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Everybody loves waterfalls. I often get the question why I am addicted to waterfalls. They don’t understand why I am so obsessed. The answer is easy: I am aware of the beauty, the power or the magic of waterfalls in general. If there is a waterfall nearby somebody’s holiday location, they certainly will visit this waterfall. Everybody loves waterfalls. It isn’t only the waterfall that attract people but waterfalls are generally located in a beautiful scenery. The thing people certainly will like.

Latefossen (Låtefossen), Skare, HordalandLitlverivassforsen (Vaerivassfossen)Cascata delle Marmore, TerniCascade d'Ars

Because I want to make people just as enthusiastic as I am, I made this website. For me there is only one goal: to provide people with travel information so it is easier and more fun to visit a (certain) waterfall.

I started with a website with all waterfalls in the world but already in the beginning I realized that was to much. Besides, there are so many beautiful waterfalls in Europe that I changed my focus.

Still it is almost impossible to visit all waterfalls in Europe by myself. I ask people to share information or pictures of waterfalls I still haven’t visit. Everybody can send me a message with questions, information or pictures throughout my contact form.

My first visit to a waterfall that I am aware of was the Rheinfall at Schaffhausen in Switzerland. I was 7 or 8 years old ( my birthday is in the holiday period) and there are two things I can remember: the incredible power of the water and the many trout swimming under a pedestrian bridge. I think this was the first moment I got a little infected with the waterfall virus.

The moment I really got excited was after my visit to Norway, 15 years ago. The scenery was so gorgeous and at every corner it was an oh and an ah. Norway is famous because of its waterfalls and there are lots of them. Some of them are really powerful and waterfalls in Norway belong to the highest waterfalls in the world. Maybe is that the reason that I visited over a 200 waterfalls (maybe even more???) in Norway.

From then on I visited several other countries chasing waterfalls with Iceland as an absolute highlight. But there are also awesome waterfalls in the other countries I  visited like: Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, France, Slovenia, Sweden, Germany and Croatia.

There are approximately 2.000 waterfalls listed in my database with lots of (Youtube) video’s and more then 3.000 pictures of waterfalls in Europe!!!! Most of them taken in Norway.

Every country has one page with general information, a list with all waterfalls in that country in Alphabetic order (but you can change your preference), a google map with all waterfalls in that country and some lists with the highest waterfall, the most powerful waterfall and the most beautiful waterfall. If you want to see all waterfalls in Europe in a list, that is also possible. In the menu choose for “all waterfalls”.

I hope you enjoy my website and please place a message or comment at one of my posts (waterfalls).

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