Brufossen (Sunndal)

When visiting Norway most people take road r13 with many touristic hotspots. But they forget to go to the west side of the Folgefonna glacier. Beside the terrific views you have on the Hardangerfjorden there are also great walks and waterfalls to visit. The Furebergfossen is one of them. A wonderful walk is the walk to the Bondhusvatnet, one of the most beautiful trails in Norway!  Free raspberry’s in summertime and unbelievable views on lakes, glaciers and waterfalls.

To get there, take the r550 at Odda and take the turn to the r551/Folgefonnatunnel (toll). At Sundal take the turn to the Bonhusdalen. From here it is a short walk to the lake with the Kroksfossen and the Brufossen. Probably the photo’s are the lower part of the waterfall. The real Brufossen are not visible from the lake and there aren’t any photo’s to be found of the Brufossen. Another reason can be a power plant which reduces the flow of the river.

By the way, the camping site in Sunndal is small but with a great view and nice people.

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About Brufossen (Sunndal)

Best visitSummer

Most nearby waterfalls

WaterfallDistance (linear)Rating
Kroksfossen 3 km
Sundifossen 9 km
Reppafossen 10 km
Furebergsfossen 15 km
Buarfossen 19 km