Skytjefossen is a huge and powerful waterfall in the river Skykkjedalselva in the Simadalen/Hordaland. The waterfall is fed by the Skytjedalsvatnet and thunders down with a great force over 410 meters. The largest single drop is 175 meters.
The Simadalen is a valley east of Eidfjord in the region Hordaland. From Eidfjord it a 10 minute drive (8 kilometers) to the east over road Fv103. At the end of the road it is a short walk of 20 minutes to the Skytjefossen. I visited the Skytjefossen twice and I always thought the official name was Skytjedalsfossen. Very logical because the water comes down out of the Skytjedalsvatnet. Recently I discovered that further into the valley there is another waterfall with a similar name Skytjedalsfossen. Next time I am in the neighborhood I have to check out this waterfall.
Further on the valley there is Rembesdalsfossen, a regulated waterfall with a rather tiny stream or most of the time no stream. Right below Kjeåsen, at the beginning of the Simadalen is the second largest powerplant in Europe. I think in periods of extreme rainfall the waterfall will flow and is ready to be visited.
Nearby there are several amazing beautiful waterfalls in the Mabodalen: Beraskodalsfossen, Vedalsfossen and Valursfossen. But even more famous, impressive, beautiful is the Vøringfossen, one of the main touristic attraction of Norway.