Cascada Ruta del 7 Gorgs de Campdevànol

Cascada Ruta del 7 Gorgs de CampdevànolCascada Ruta del 7 Gorgs de Campdevànol is a series of small waterfalls in the river d’Estiula near Campdevànol in the region Catalunya, Spain.

In the summer of 2021 we stayed in Ripol and somebody gave us the tip to go to Gorgs de Campdevànol. The weather was fine, not to hot and the parking at a meadow along road Gl-401 was easy to find (gps 42.230118, 2.133430). We had to pay for the parking and you have to pay admission to enter Ruta del 7 Gorgs de Campdevànol.

From the parking you just have to follow the path until you see the first sign pointing to the first gorge. The first waterfall of Ruta del 7 Gorgs de Campdevànol is also the biggest one, I think about 6 meter high. From now on you just have to follow the river until you see the next wooden sign for a gorge.

In total there are 7 waterfalls between one and seven meters high. Very nice to see and although it is forbidden, people are swimming in front af several waterfalls, especially at the end. The river can run dry in summertime but we where lucky there was a little water in it (summer 2021). The year after there was hardly any water in the river of Ruta del 7 Gorgs de Campdevànol, in summertime.

The trail ends at the second highest waterfall and a place where you can buy something to eat and drink. A lot of people where swimming in the pool in front of the waterfall. There are no toilets but nature offers enough space to do your thing. The walk is suitable for children and I think they will love it (although it can be very warm).

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About Cascada Ruta del 7 Gorgs de Campdevànol

RiverTorrent d'Estiula
Best visitSpring, early summer, after rainfall

Most nearby waterfalls

WaterfallDistance (linear)Rating
Salt del Grill 16 km
Cascada de Gorg de la Malatosca 17 km
Cascada gorg del Salt 18 km
Salt del Mir 20 km
Salt de Sallent (Sant Privat d' en Bas) 29 km