Salt del Mir

Salt del Mir is a low volume, but tall, waterfall south of Santa Maria de Besora in the region Catalonia, Spain.

Salt del Mir drops down over 40 meter in a beautiful surrounding. It is possible that the waterfall runs dry but in Springtime or after rainfall the waterfall is gorgeous.

From the road (BV-5227) it is a 3 kilometer walk (1 hour) to reach Salt del Mir. It is also possible to start the walk near restaurant Cabanya de Mir, this is a 1,5 kilometer walk. Offcause it is also possible to walk from the village Santa Maria de Besora. A roundtrip is 13,5 kilometer and the track can be viewed on Wikiloc.

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About Salt del Mir

LocationSanta Maria de Besora
RiverRiera de la Foradada
Best visitSpring, after rainfall

Most nearby waterfalls

WaterfallDistance (linear)Rating
Salt de Sallent (Sant Privat d' en Bas) 12 km
Cascada de Gorg de la Malatosca 15 km
Cascada la Foradada 16 km
Salt del Molí Bernat 20 km
Cascada Ruta del 7 Gorgs de Campdevànol 20 km