(Bi de sibe Brünne, Simmenquelle)
Siebenbrunnen, also named Simmenquelle, is a very special waterfall in the Simmental near Lenk, Berner Oberland, Switzerland.
From Lenk drive south to restaurant Simmenfalle. The parking (gps 46.426338, 7.476171) is officially only for customers but you can park your car somewhere nearby where possible. From the restaurant just follow the river Simme, along the Simmenfälle, upstream. After appr. 30-40 minutes you will see restaurant Siebenbrunnen with the waterfall at the mountainside.
Siebenbrunnen is a karstic waterfall: The water flows directly out of the mountain over a wide of 30 meter.
Siebenbrunnen, translated Seven Springs, is called this way because there are seven separate streams feeding the spring. Sibe Brunne was later written as Sibne and Simme, the name of the river and also the source of the river with the amazing Simmenfälle further downstream. In summertime Siebenbrunnen flows at its maximum volume:up to 2,800 liter per second!!
The water that comes out of Siebenbrunnen has its origin in the Rezligletscher/Glacier de la Plaine Morte at an altitude of 2.700 meter.
Near Siebenbrunnen (Simmenquelle) you can see (at the left) a very tall waterfall that often is called the Simmenfälle, but this is the Flueseelifall. There are several waterfalls coming down from the mountain Wildstrubel (3.243 m) like the Laubbachfall.
Lenk is a nice region with several other waterfalls nearby like the enormous Iffigfall (Iffigbach wasserfall) with a total height of 70 meter. Lenk is also a very cosy village with a nice atmosphere, a good place to stay.