Bride’s Veil fall – Isle of Skye

Bride's Veil fall - Isle of SkyeBride’s Veil fall is a small scenic waterfall, north of Portree on the Isle of Skye (Scotland). From Portree it is only a 8 kilometer drive (15 minutes) over road A855, heading north.

The Bride’s Veil fall is a small (approximately 12 meter), low volume waterfall, but I like the shape and the scenic surrounding. When we where at the Bride’s Veil fall, summer 2023, it rained hard, not a perfect situation for nice pictures.

There is a small parking in front of the waterfall and you only have to cross a fence. With rainy weather the soil is wet and we didn’t walked to the base of teh waterfall, but this is possible.

Along road A855, further north, there are two touristic waterfalls you can visit: Lealt waterfall and Mealt falls. Our highlight on the Isle of Skye was our visit to THE touristic hotspot of the Island (but o so nice), the Fairy pool waterfalls.

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About Bride’s Veil fall – Isle of Skye

CountryWaterfalls in United Kingdom
LocationLoch Leathan, Portree, Isle of Skye
RiverLoch Leathan
Best visitLate spring, summer

Most nearby waterfalls

WaterfallDistance (linear)Rating
Lealt Waterfall 10 km
Mealt falls 15 km
Eas a' Bhradain 26 km
Fairy pools waterfalls 27 km
Eas Mor waterfall 32 km